Angus Frith
Barrister Profile
From 01/07/2008
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Admitted in 1988, Angus had early experience in commercial litigation and criminal law. Since 1995, he has practised largely in native title law. In addition, he has a Masters degree in Environmental Science. He has also completed a PhD titled ‘Getting it right for the future: Aboriginal law, Australian law and native title corporations’, which focuses on the governance of the Aboriginal corporations that manage native title rights and interests.
Since he came to the bar in 1999, Angus has practised mostly in native title law in Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales. His appearances include those in:
The National Native Title Tribunal in exploration licence expedited procedure objection hearings (including Moses Silver/Ashton Exploration Pty Ltd/Northern Territory [2002] NNTTA 18);
the Federal Court in:
Native title determination application hearings (including Rubibi Community v Western Australia (No 7) [2006] FCA 459); and
native title procedural matters (including Barunga v Western Australia (No 2) [2011] FCA 755); and
the Full Court of the Federal Court defending an appeal against a native title determination (Western Australia v Sebastian [2008] FCAFC 65).
His work has also involved:
Taking instructions from groups of Aboriginal people regarding the enforcement and exercise of their native title rights and interests;
analysing evidence of land tenure and its impact on native title rights and interests;
appearing in mediations;
negotiating native title settlements and agreements about acts that affect native title rights and interests, including mining and exploration for minerals;
drafting agreements, corporate rules, and trust deeds; and
advising on corporate structures to manage native title and implement agreements dealing with native title.
In addition, Angus has advised in administrative, property and environmental law matters.
In 2013, the Commonwealth Government appointed him to the Taxation of Native Title and Traditional Owner Benefits and Governance Working Group.
In 2015, he taught 'Managing Public and Native Title Lands', a subject in the Melbourne Law Masters.