Craig Halfpenny
Craig graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in 1993, a Master of Science in 2001, a Bachelor of Laws in 2003 and a Master of Laws in 2011. He completed his practical training at the Leo Cussen Institute in 2003. Prior to coming to the Bar, Craig worked for a number of years in the Victorian Public Service, including the Department of Human Services (Disability, Community and Aged Care), Justice (Victims Referral and Assistance Service) and Education. Craig has an interest in criminal, family/de facto, administrative law, probate/TFM matters and alternative dispute resolution. He also has experience in the prosecution of local government matters.
Barrister Details
9225 8069
9600 0320
BA (Hons), LLB, GDLP, MSc, LLM
Owen Dixon Chambers East